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This is a user manual of soapui-runner. soap-runner it’s a gradle plugin written in groovy. It simplified configuration of SoapUI test projects and provides theirs cross-platform execution (at the moment supports only testrunner and loadtestrunner, but it could be very easilly extend - feel free to contribute).

1. Why?

1.1. Officially, gradle plugin is not supported

Currently SmartBear is not supporting gradle plugin. At the moment only SoapUI Maven Plugin officially supported.

SmartBear provides platform dependant scripts for SoapUI test project execution, but it’s not so convenient. For example, to execute SoapUI tests using testrunner (version: 5.3.0) tool you can use these commands:

Example, how to execute tests on windows using SoapUI testrunner.bat
C:\path\to\SoapUI-5.3.0\bin\testrunner.bat C:\path\to\soapui-test-project.xml
Example, how to execute on unix
/path/to/ /path/to/soapui-test-project.xml

1.2. Running tests using soapui-runner gradle plugin

Using preconfigured build script you only need to execute a single command:

gradle testrunner # or:
gradle loadtestrunner

2. What’s inside?

There are few plugins and tasks you have to get all functionality you might need …​almost :) Currently, in my daily work and for testing API of my projects, I was required to use only testrunner and loadtestrunner

Anyway, All other existing runner in SoapUI could be easily added to soapui-runner plugin, really. Contributors are welcome!

2.1. Available plugins and tasks

2.1.1. Three plugins available on Gradle Portal

  1. SoapUI Test Runner Plugin soapui-testrunner (io.github.daggerok.soapui-testrunner)

  2. SoapUI Load Test Runner Plugin soapui-loadtestrunner (io.github.daggerok.soapui-loadtestrunner)

  3. SoapUI Runner Plugin soapui-runner (io.github.daggerok.soapui-runner) - contains all tasks: testrunner and loadtestrunner

2.1.2. Three tasks available right now

  1. extDir: helpful task for generating ext folder to be copied inside $SOAPUI_HOME/bin (see Generate directory for external libraries)

  2. testrunner: task run SoapUI Test Suites and/or Test Cases (see Test (suites and cases) runner)

  3. loadtestrunner: task run SoapUI Load Tests (see Load Tests runner)

3. Installation

There are few ways to integrate soapui-runner in your gradle project. We are recommending you usi that plugin in separate project. It’s better to not include soapui-runner gradle project as subproject of main project is going to be tested to avoid complexity of dependency resolution, but this is not required.

In general, it could be installed just like so:

Using plugins approach
buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }
    maven { url "" }

plugins {
  id "io.github.daggerok.soapui-runner" version "5.3.0-5"

3.1. Multi-project build

If you are using multi-project build or for some reasons you don’t want apply runner-plugin immediately:

Do not apply plugin in plugins block
buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }
    maven { url "" }

plugins {
  id "io.github.daggerok.soapui-runner" version "5.3.0-5" apply false

subprojects {
  apply plugin: "io.github.daggerok.soapui-runner"
  // ...

3.2. Gradle version less then 3.0

If you are using gradle ⇐ 3.0, then use apply plugin approach only:

Use apply plugin approach
buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }
    maven { url "" }
  dependencies {
    classpath ""

apply plugin: "io.github.daggerok.soapui-runner"
Make sure you have added required smartbear software maven repository in your buildscript for correct plugin dependencies resolution.

3.2.1. Many ways apply plugins…​

You can apply FQDN class name for each plugin instead (see plugins main classes source code for details):

// turns on extDir and testrunner tasks:
apply plugin: io.github.daggerok.SoapUITestRunnerPlugin // or:
apply plugin: "io.github.daggerok.soapui-testrunner"

// turns on extDir and loadtestrunner tasks:
apply plugin: io.github.daggerok.SoapUILoadTestRunnerPlugin // or:
apply plugin: "io.github.daggerok.soapui-loadtestrunner"

// turns on all tasks: extDir, testrunner and loadtestrunner:
apply plugin: io.github.daggerok.SoapUIRunnerPlugin // or:
apply plugin: "io.github.daggerok.soapui-runner"

4. Configuration plugins tasks

You can pre-configure once all needed properties / configurations using runner tasks closures

Configuration example
testrunner {
  projectFile "src/test/resources/soapui-test-project.xml"
  outputFolder "out/tests"
  failOnError true

  projectProperties = [

loadtestrunner {
  projectFile = "$projectDir/soapui-load-tests.xml"
  outputFolder = "buildDir/soapui/load"

Feel free omit all runners configurations if default Runners properties are good enough for you:

testrunner {
  projectFile = "soapui-test-project.xml"
  outputFolder = "build/soapui"
  // ...

loadtestrunner {
  projectFile = "soapui-test-project.xml"
  outputFolder = "build/soapui"
  // ...

4.1. Test (suites and cases) runner

Very extendable and configurable SoapUI testrunner task. For details see: Test runner specific configuration properties

Example of testrunner task configuration
testrunner {
  projectFile = "soapui-test-project.xml"
  outputFolder = "build/soapui
Execution of test runner task
gradle testrunner

4.1.1. Test runner configuration customization

Using groovy inside gradle build files we can do pretty much whatever we want.

Example of testrunner task configuration: how to execute only needed TestSuite list
apply plugin: io.github.daggerok.SoapUITestRunnerPlugin

task soapUITestSuites(dependsOn: [

  "TestSuite 1",
  "TestSuite 2",

].collect { suiteName ->
  tasks.create(name: suiteName, type: io.github.daggerok.tasks.SoapUITestRunnerTask) {
    testSuite = suiteName
    outputFolder = "$buildDir/soapui/$suiteName"
same approach can be used for testCases.
Example of testrunner execution for some concrete TestCases
apply plugin: "io.github.daggerok.soapui-testrunner"

import io.github.daggerok.tasks.SoapUITestRunnerTask

Task[] soapUITasks = [

    "TestCase 1",
    "TestCase 2",
    "TestCase 3",
    "TestCase 4",
    "TestCase 5",

].collect { testCaseName ->

  def noSpaceCase = testCaseName.replaceAll(/\s+$/, "").capitalize()

  tasks.create(name: noSpaceCase, type: SoapUITestRunnerTask) {
    testCase = noSpaceCase
    outputFolder = "$buildDir/soapui/testCases/$noSpaceCase"
    projectProperties = [

task soapUITestCases(dependsOn: soapUITasks)

4.2. Load Tests runner

Expandable and configurable load test runner task. See Load test runner specific configuration properties for more details

Example of loadtestrunner task configuration
loadtestrunner {
  projectFile = "soapui-test-project.xml"
  outputFolder = "build/soapui"
Load test runner execution
gradle loadtestrunner

4.3. Generate directory for external libraries

Sometimes we need use some external packages, like jdbc drivers. for that purposes we have to add them inside $SOAPUI_HOME/bin/ext directory to simplify that process, we can generate needed ext folder to copy it later inside SoapUI ext dir

repositories {

dependencies {
  extDir "org.postgresql:postgresql:9.4.1212.jre7"
gradle extDir
cp -Rf build/soapui/ext $SOAPUI_HOME/bin/ext

see SoapUI systemProperty: soapui.ext.libraries: testrunnert -Dsoapui.ext.libraries=…​

4.4. Adding new and override generic (parent) properties

If you are using gradle multi-project build, you can define base configuration inside parent build:

in build.gradle file
allprojects {
  testrunner {
    projectProperties = [
    systemProperties = [
    // ...

…​and later you might need to override it inside some of your children builds:

in ./modules/windows/build.gradle file
testrunner {
  projectProperties = [
      // add new:
      // override existing:
  systemProperties = [
      // override existing:
  // ...

5. Appendix

5.1. Runners properties

5.1.1. Base (allowed for testrunner and loadtestrunner tasks)

property arg default description




sets if gradle plugin execution should stop and fails on any plugin configuration errors occurs




sets the SoapUI project file containing the tests to run




sets the output folder to export results to



sets list of "key=value" project properties



sets list of "key=value" global properties



sets list of "key=value" system properties



sets the SoapUI settings file



sets the endpoint to use for all test requests



sets the domain to use for any authentications



sets the host to use by all test-requests, the existing endpoint port and path will be used



sets the username to use for any authentications



sets the password to use for any authentications



sets the WSS password-type to use for any authentications. Setting this will result in the addition of WS-Security UsernamePassword tokens to any outgoing request containing the specified username and password



sets SoapUI project password



sets SoapUI settings password




enables Swing UI components



sets the TestSuite to run. If not set all TestSuites in the specified project file are run



sets the TestCase to run. If not set all TestCases in the specified project file are run




a flag controlling if a summary should be printed




saves the project after running the tests

5.1.2. Test runner specific configuration properties

property arg default description




adds console appender results to groovy log




сollects TestRun results and creates JUnitReports




include JUnit XML reports adding test




a flag controlling if errors are ignored




creates a Test Run Log Report in XML format




sets the maximum number of TestStep errors to save for each testcase

5.1.3. Load test runner specific configuration properties

property arg default description



sets the Load Test to run. If not set all Load Tests in the specified project file are run



override limit property of Load Test



override thread count property of Load Test

6. Examples

See some usage examples here

7. Frequently asked questions

7.1. soapuios

If you faced with errors like

An error occurred [], see error log for details
From 5.2 Release Notes (2015-07-02):
SoapUI failed to load plugins when you run tests with testrunner.bat and the current directory differed from <SoapUI>\bin

Fix: rename $HOME/.soapuios folder to NOT.soapuios

mv -f $HOME/.soapuios $HOME/NOT.soapuios

8. Development and contribution

Feel free to contribute or open an issue

build and test
bash gradlew clean build

For testing locally published plugin into maven repo publishing use this example

publish locally for development purpose
bash gradlew install publish
  • note: Don’t try publish new version of plugin to gradle portal (it’s available only for owner)

publishing plugin
bash gradlew publishPlugins
publishing documentation
bash gradlew deploy
  • note: Don’t try publish new version of plugin documentation to GitHub pages (it’s available only for owner)

8.1. Supported gradle versions

  1. plugin:

    1. 4: 4.2.1, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0

  2. client:

    1. 4: 4.2.1, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0

    2. 3: 3.5, 3.4.1, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0

    3. 2 (apply plugin only): 2.14, 2.13, 2.12, 2.11, 2.10, 2.9, 2.8

8.1.1. Latest plugin release version

8.1.2. Current plugin milestone version

8.1.3. Support SoapUI old versions

  • 5.2: 5.2.1, 5.2.0

  • 5.1: 5.1.3, 5.1.2-hotfix.2, 5.1.2

  • 5.0: 5.0.1-hotfix.0 (5.0.0-beta), 5.0.1, 5.0.0

  • 4.6: 4.6.4, 4.6.3, 4.6.2, 4.6.1

Strike through version x.y.z cloud be buggy. You have to use next one instead.
We are recommend use latest stable release versions - it should be able support old SoapUI test project file format as well.

9. License


10. Enjoy
