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This documentation contains some help to examples from ratpack-examples repository

1. using spring-boot with ratpack

build and deploy docks
bash gradlew build bootRun

2. event-sourcing using ratpack and spring-boot

TODO: in progress…​

bash gradlew bootRun

http :5050
http post :5050/place-order variant=HAWAII size=BIG planet=Earth
http :5050/count-standing-orders
http :5050/get-planet-summary
http post :5050/take-orders


3. Full Stack Ratpack: groovy API | IoC | serving static content | REST with Jackson | SPA

This repository contains full-stack app using:

  1. ratpack groovy API

  2. IoC (DI) from java classes

  3. render view using groovy template engine

  4. REST API (using Jackson for JSON content type)

  5. service static content

build, run and test
bash gradlew clean build
java -jar build/libs/*-all.jar

http :5050
http :5050/api
http :5050/api/bla-bla
bash gradlew run

4. Running spring-boot (old versions) together with ratpack using groovy template engine abd gradle 2.6

This is an oldest version of spring-boot 1.3.5.RELEASE and gradle 2.6

  1. run ratpack

  2. with spring-boot old spring-boot (1.3.5.RELEASE) together

  3. using groovy template engine (see index.html, index.gtpl)

  4. within old version of gradle build system (2.6), so use wrapper!

run and test
bash gradlew bootRun
http :8080
http :5050

5. spring-boot together with ratpack (using groovy template engine)

This is basically improvement of that project with newer versions of gradle, spring-boot and ratpack.

7. Enjoy! :)