Don't fork me!

Maksim Kostromin <> 2018-07-23 20:01:18 UTC :doctype: book :toc: left :toclevels: 4 :numbered: :icons: font :hide-uri-scheme: :revnumber: 0.0.1 :example-caption!: :source-highlighter: highlightjs

Travis CI status: Build Status

1. Important: build app with source maps

npm run build

tree ./dist
├── favicon.e4aa46cb.ico
├── flavored-reset-and-normalize.d19f0e53.css
├── flavored-reset-and-normalize.d19f0e53.js
├── index.html
├── main.5d6e19d1.js
├── style.76f7c99d.css
├── style.76f7c99d.js

0 directories, 10 files

2. Run app to be able debugger connect to it remotely

I’m using parcel, and running my app on port 1234

01 start app

You can also simply use npm start from console…​

3. Create JavaScript debug configuration

02 edit run cinfigurations dialog
03 new run configuration
04 debug config

and click OK

4. Debugging

create a breakpoint somewhere in source code

05 create breakpoint

run debug

06 run debug

and open according page in browser to si if you can debug you app

07 see results