
Because I don't know sbt...

Travis CI build status: Build Status

./gradlew clean test npm_i npm_run_build

gradle init

initialize new scala project:

mkdir gradle-scala-library-howto
cd gradle-scala-library-howto/
gradle init --type scala-library --package com.github.daggerok --project-name gradle-scala-library-howto --dsl kotlin

gradle tests output

add to build.gradle.kts file these lines for better developer experience on tests execution:

import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent.*

tasks {
    withType<Test> {
        testLogging {
            showExceptions = true
            showStandardStreams = true
            events(PASSED, SKIPPED, FAILED)

gradle npm integration

add to build.gradle.kts file these lines for better developer experience on tests execution:

plugins {
    // Add Gradle NodeJS support
    id("com.moowork.node") version "1.3.1"

node {
    download = true

prepare everything together with npm scrips and use gradle instead:

./gradlew npm_i         # npm i
./gradlew npm_run build # npm run build

publish project to GitHub

create .gitignore file:


Travis CI

just see .travis.yml file as a the reference...

Last Updated: 4/4/2020, 4:34:32 PM