ICT Mentorship 2024

This is my ICT 2024 Mentorship notes in reverse (descending by date) order. I started to learn it at the end of 2023, but the topic is quite big and complex. ICT said that hist students should make a notes because it's not realistic to keep everything in memory...


ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Tape Reading NQ \ October 02, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Tape Reading NQ \ October 02, 2024open in new window

TODO: Look at that stream once again!

This week is Non-Farm Payroll Protocol week. This means that price action will be less favorable. We can see this by looking at on London session: London Session: Pre Non-Farm Payroll News

SM will be using Non-Far Payroll as excuses for volatility. Do not trade on Wed, Thu, Fri in NFP weeks, we want to find setups on Mon and Tue, when the Market is clean

We can trade on Fri if we want, but we should wait for 8:30am to see OR, but we should never be in the Trade before that

The Long-term trend in election year is usually Bullish

If we have BiSi with less portion not taken and then MSS we would like to see Stops Raided before the Price will go higher...

Identify pools of Liquidity and expect to look at rage trading... Meaning Turtle Soup can be used or expect that. Opposite liquidity pools, it's better to be taken before every significant price run, because it will be easier to trust that the price can go and take the opposite side of liquidity.

Before 9:00am, we were not looking at Primary Liquidity Polls. Why? We want to see what the Market will do in the first 15 minutes. Instead, we're looking at higher TF, because the Market is already moving somewhere... At 9:00 we will identify our primary pools of liquidity on 5m or on 15m TFs. We don't care which pools of liquidity will be attacked, but we will be using it as catalysis for the next price run.

We can trade on Fri if we want, but we should wait for 8:30am to see OR, but we should never be in the Trade before that

We should identify problem areas (days and/or specific time of the day) and do not trade to not blown an account

Minimum 15 minutes is the time we need to wait and see what will happen to news drivers

The Middle of FVG is crucial. If CE is respected, we should see this. If it's not respected, we should sit still. We can go in only if we see that CE is respected to the tick

We do not do enter on iFVGs, we wait to see if it will stop price and act as a resistance, and we enter on next forming FVG...

OG its initial Bias. Meaning if it opened lower, the first 30 minutes, we are focus on longs. Or at that point of time we've already identfied liquidity pools, so we can use that 50% mid-level of ORG as a turning point to identified pools of liquidity

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Limit Orders & Volatility Pinball Drills \ October 01, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Limit Orders & Volatility Pinball Drills \ October 01, 2024open in new window

Indigo Entry Model:

  • Run on Sellside Stops (Purge of Liquidity, Bullish or Bearish)
  • Order Block
  • Volume Imbalance above the OB when we are Bullish, or below the OB if we are Bearish

Indigo Entry Model it's an OR inside of Liquidity

There should be only 3 key points in our module:

  • Time: Why Price should move / why price has Moved? It should go up/down to take Liquidity or up/down to reprice inefficiency
  • TBD...

When we're treading iFVGs, we want to price leave it, and when it will come back (retrace) to it, bodies should respect that iFVG C.E.

We don't trade before: FOMC, CPI, PPI, Non-Farm Payroll. All they at 8:30am delivery. Those are destroyers. If they on Fri, then we can trade from Mon to Thu. If its NFP week, we can trade on Mon and Tue. Last night London was terrible because of war in the Middle East. Trading after high impact driver news it's okay and easy, but we should never trade before their release

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Premarket Concepts \ September 30, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Premarket Concepts \ September 30, 2024

Before FOMC and other high impact news, we should trade pre-market like from 6am till before news release...

Rule: wait for news release + 15 minutes after for high and medium impact news

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ How To Identify High Resistance Liquidity Conditions \ September 27, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ How To Identify High Resistance Liquidity Conditions \ September 27, 2024open in new window

Difference between Bias and Narrative:

  • Bias is: Are you Bullish or you Bearish?
  • The Narrative is when we think where price might go and why... For example, Today is Friday, and we had a Bullish week, so it's reasonable to think that price might take old lows (TGIF) even if its going to go higher later


  • if there is a big/large ORG (75+ handles), then we can expect good movement
  • if we have small ORG, then we can expect back-and-forth movement...

When not to take trades? On HRL days. When we have small ORG, then we might face with HRL

On a LRL days our stop can be a few ticks above FVG where we're entered. On a HRL days out stop should be above twice of FVGs

If the price is spending a lot of time in inefficiencies, then we are in a HRL conditions. It's not a chop, it's not a seek and destroy... These conditions create Turtle Soup setups

ICT tells that it's easy to miss-think Seek and Destroy day with HRL days. It cannot be 2 Seek and Destroy days in a week, it can be one Seek and Destroy and another HRL day...

The easiest way to identify that we are on HRL conditions is when we can see how price spend a lot of time in FVG. We shouldn't revisit inefficiencies multiple times. Inefficiencies shouldn't be seen with multiple candles laying inside them, over and over and over again...

In HRL conditions, we can study price to see how many Turtle Soups can be created... Its all doing is coming back to get any trial stops, that is what it's doing... That is the nature of what is happening behind the scenes of HRL conditions, it's running stops, because SM is building and accumulating their positions for the next move

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Tape Reading \ September 23, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Tape Reading \ September 23, 2024open in new window

Mondays, we don't trade them in the morning. Better to come back and trade NYpm session, its SB or LHM


  • What do you mean when you're saying "the way how it delivers, I don't want to see it trades higher"?

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ CFDs Vs. Futures \ September 20, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ CFDs Vs. Futures \ September 20, 2024open in new window

Tags: #ORG, #OR, #FistPresentedFVG, #Macro, #Macro0950

Since Today's Opening Price is Lower than Yesterday's Settlement Price (where we closed yesterday at 4:14pm), that means we have Discount ORG

The First Present FVG it's the first FVG that appears during OR (between 9:30am and 10:00am)

We should extend First Presentation FVGs to the right for future trading, similarly like we do for NWOG/NDOG. These FVGs will be influential at least 3 days. Sometimes we will see how they can have an impact on price after 1 week or more, but at the moment we should use then at least 3 trading days especially if the price is raging around of that.

The Opening Range (OR) is a time interval in between 9:30am and 10:00am

0950 Macro is time in between 9:50am and 10:10am when the Market can start spool price lower or higher

If ORG is small (less than 40 handles on NQ), it means that this Gap is Limp (not so influencing). Especially if yesterday was a large range day. Also plus if its Friday and we had big range week...

If we have big volatility, then we might not require waiting for Macro

When the Market is chopped during opening on OR, usually it's just time distortion. What is time distortion? It's waiting for specific time (Macro)

With days like yesterday when price hasn't been even touched a huge ORG C.E, meaning we have a big Discount void that hasn't been traded yet...

With weeks like that, when price goes higher and its Friday, then we might expect TGIF when price can retrace 20%-30% of the total weekly range was

Summary, as a trading conditions:

  • If we have quite a big ORG (at least 40 handles for NQ), then we can trade 70% probability of the fact that price will trade to C.E. in the first 30 minutes
  • Else if we have not a wide ORG, then we can trade something like yesterday's First Presented FVG
  • Otherwise, we can wait for NY SB and trade that

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ How To Manage Missed Entries \ September 17, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ How To Manage Missed Entries \ September 17, 2024

Tags: #ORG, #FistPresentedFVG, #Micro

This lecture is about how to participate if we are missed the entry and how to participate in these kind of trades...

If we are going to trade a day before FOMC, we should trade it in the morning. Why not trade on FOMC? This day is highly manipulated as before and after.

TODO: To check if on FOMC at 2pm price will start go in one direction (higher or lower). At 2:30 pm it may go in the opposite direction

High frequency trading with FVG and without Bias. The only we need to see is 5-minute TF charts for pools of liquidity.

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 16, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 16, 2024open in new window

Important note on FVG:

  • For Bullish +FVG 2nd candle stick should go higher, meaning 2nd candle shouldn't open with Gap on premium and go lower even if it's going to stay higher than first candle of +FVG

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 13, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 13, 2024open in new window

Tags: #NY.pm, #Friday

When it's before or during 2:50pm macro, ICT expects that:

  • if STH or nearest Minor Buyside Liquidity is taken during that macro, then price might go higher up to rel.eq.Hs and it means that the Market is under big manipulation
  • if STL or nearest Minor Sellside Liquidity is taken during that macro, then the same kind of continuation there is also possible
  • of course, it can be sideways, so there is always possibility for what we are not expecting

When we 50%/50%, then we either should not to trade, or we require these conditions with macro when the Market tips its hand to us.

Normally on Fri we have a large range of close weekly candle forming. Also on Fri ICT likes to see from 20% to 30% retracement (TGIF). But it's not expected for this week, which is enormous and was highly manipulated by going higher, higher, higher... But it should move with displacement and all formed FVGs should stay open on half of it

Or we can stay inside NY.pm KZ range... If it happens, then ICT would really like to see the Gap Opening Higher on Sun, meaning Premium NWOG. And then come down, work into that Gap as a closure... And then slowly bleeding into higher prices

Before NY.pm we should look at a range of NY.Lunch sessions, because it's giving us a context for trading NY.pm session.

When price is inside inefficiencies (like FVGs or VIs), ICT don't want to see price is stay in them. If we notice that the Market is staying inside inefficiencies, we have to take a step back... Because what we're seeing is time distortion. That Means that algorithm is in holding pattern (mode), and it's not going to move fast. It's not going to do something crazy, it's just simply going to go sideways. And then people seeing this, they really don't know what the Market is doing...

But ICT teaches us to take a step back and say: okay, where are inefficiencies? If there are no inefficiencies and price is staying inside the only inefficiency that around price ride now during this time... Meaning the Market is in a holding pattern, the Market is simply being controlled and held in time distortion... Meaning it's just market time... It's not meant to make a new range high which would take a STH or take STL, until it did it. Once it did it, ask yourself, what time of day is it happening? Macro? If it happens during the Macro... Then, if it took Sellside first, and we are in a consolidating market, what it's going to do? It's going to explore another side of that inefficiency, which is Buyside (prev. STH). If it took Buyside first, then it's reasonable to expect that next is going to be taken Sellside (STL) And when it will be hit, again check the time of the day... Is it Macro? 😃

So the main takeaway from this is that time is the most important part of trading. As soon as we see how price is reacting, we have a high probability that the Market is going to spool the Price to take opposing liquidity.

How to use that strategy in our own Trading Model? We're simply looking at Price Action and marking PD Arrays, inefficiencies, STLs and STHs... When Price is taking liquidity during some Macro, it means that now it is very highly likely that Price will go and take opposing Liquidity. So basically we can either be more aggressive and enter into trade with Turtle Soup, or we can get not a best entry, but have a sweet and short "Bread and butter" setup with target on opposing liquidity. And we can do it all day long... Because every single hour there is a 20-minute macro... But during certain hours of the day are not going to be all energetic because they are not designed to be energetic. But they're going to be checks and balances that disrupt or entice a little bit sentiment of purpose of bringing liquidity, that's all... Meaning the role of the Macro is to get retail engaged and took liquidity, so after that Smart Money could reprice where its needed.

If we have PD Array (let's say +FVG), and price is failed to touch its C.E, this fact can tell us that we are really Bullish. So we can expect that Price is highly likely to try to get opposing liquidity...

If we want to trade Asian session, we should never open charts at 6pm and trade. We should always wait around 7pm and see if Price will overlap/overtop NDOG... But when we get into 8pm (that means 7:50pm to 8:10pm), that's a nice little area to anticipate that 8 o'clock macro. And then you have it again from 8:50pm to 9:10pm. Those two macros are really nice.

During the Asian session we can trade next Forex currencies: Aussie Dollar, New Zealand Dollar, Yen and Swiss Frank. We should use 6:50 to 7:10 macro, 7:50 pm to 8:10 pm macro and also 8:50pm to 9:10 macro.

From 9:50pm to 10:10pm and from 10:50pm to 11:10pm macros are not so good, but... From 11:50pm to 12:10am it's a dynamite macro, because it real / true new day macro

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 12, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 12, 2024open in new window

Opening Bell protocol: We mark ORG (4:59pm to 9:30am) and wait for it 50% fill in the fir st 30 minutes of trading.

If we are Bullish, and price is dropping into =FVG, then we would like to see that price should not close that inefficiency completely, we would like to see reaction from the upper part of +FVG.

We are looking in pre-market (before opening) to see in price is support ORG.

We are looking for initial price Action after Opening Bell to have an idea about SB trade.

Keep in mind, that everybody saw rally yesterday, so everybody wants to do what? They want to chase a Bull run. Smart Money in these cases can even not provide PO3 manipulation, and they might want to push price lower. Because large ranges yesterday can bring excitement in retail mind. If we see a large daily candle yesterday, then protocol is: We don't trade next day morning session. We can go back to the charts after Lunch at 1:30pm and see if we will have the opportunity to trade in last hour macro

We should not expect a lot if we have such tiny ORG like today.

Whatever initial Low or High was formed, we should always see it as a suspicious trap. We might want to trade an opposite direction towards to it, or trade Turtle Soup expecting that this L/H will be traded in.

When we will come back to the charts at 1:30pm:

  • We should see what H/L on the Day
  • We should see what H/L was formed in a morning session
  • We should see what H/L was formed in a NY Lunch session
  • We should find Hs/Ls was formed in between prev three (D, NY AM, NY Lunch) or prev two (D, NY Lunch), there will be Sellside and Buyside, which we can expect price will take
  • The chance that both will be taken is low, so we should see which will be taken and write it down into our Journal
  • The same thing can be done for London session

NY PM trading protocol:

  • Be near the charts at 1:15pm-1:30pm
  • On 15m TF mark Daily H and Daily L
  • On 5m TF mark Short-Term Hs and Ls which are inside the Daily range you market previously. If we can't see obviously on that TF, we can drop down into 1m chart
  • So we will have two layers (Minor and Major) of our Buyside and Sellside, and at 2:00pm we will see how some of these levels will be taken
  • We are looking for a Market Structure and opportunities, and it will be clear. If we see something we like, then we can put money on.
  • We will look if Lower H than Daily H was formed to find an opportunity for Long. And we will look if Higher Low was formed, which is Higher than Daily L to find an opportunity for Short
  • In addition to it, what can happen in the last hour or 45 minutes, or macros in that last hour... There can be opportunity for the Market to expand. So if we are on the right side of the Market and we have some partials left, we can catch something additionally

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 09, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 09, 2024open in new window

  1. Check news
  2. Mark ORG

ICT Tutelage Friday September 6, 2024 NQ Entry Log

ICT Tutelage Friday September 6, 2024 NQ Entry Logopen in new window

On immediate re-balance, we are not expecting that price will retrace more than C.E.

|   |
|   |   |
|   | +-+-+
+-+-+ |   |
  |   |   |
  |   |   |      /---- Immidiate
      |   |   |  \---- Rebalance
      |   |   |          /---- Stop
      |   |   |          \---- Loss
      +-+-+   |     |
        |   +-+-+   |
        |   |   |   |
            |   | +-+-+
            |   | |   |
            |   | |   |
            +-+-+ |   |
              |   |   |
              |   |   |
                  |   |

Best Shorts when we are Bearish will form on Premium of previous Daily Range. Best Longs when we are Bullish will form on Discount of previous Daily Range.

We should always annotate first FVG on OG (1st Presentation FVG) on 5m TF chart and 1m TF chart, we will use first was formed.

We should always look at the bodies after candle close and how do they act: do they respect FVG or not? If they respect, then its validation of that PDArray, and we can try to trade them in a case of high-probability setup will form.

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ NonFarm Payroll September 06, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ NonFarm Payroll September 06, 2024open in new window

Never trade ahead of FOMC, PPI, CPI, NonFarm Payroll... If we want to position ourselves for trade, we should wait for initial manual intervention, initial shock, wait after that to see where price has come or if it comes back and after that see what is left. Where is smooth edges, because that is going to be taken next... See if we have any trade ideas...

At the beginning of 9:30am we should have our charts annotated where 15-minute TF pulls of are?

If we have a dropping week, we can expect that price will come back in some short / intermediate term high

What is good about big news events like FOMC, PPI, CPI, NonFarm Payroll is that it can show where price might go, it doesn't mean that we should trade it, but we should observe on 15m TF. We should look at where to Market can go, for obvious and clean pools of liquidity.

At the beginning of the day, we should annotate and frame where daily liquidity pools levels are on 15-minute TF. After th at, we go deeper into 5-minute TF, where we are going to look for Minor Sellside/Buyside Liquidity

Why not trade Forex? The Forex market now is screwed. Different brokers will have different Highs and Lows. Future's it's professional gentleman's Market, it's always having the same Highs and Lows. Forex currencies will crash.

If prior to 9:30am:

  • Price taken Sellside first and go and taken Buyside, then we can expect that price will not come back in that session or day
  • Price hasn't taken Sellside and go and taken Buyside, then we can expect that after Buyside price will come back and take Sellside, and maybe fail to go Lower. It will force gambling retail to enter in Short trade. After that price can go Higher...

15m TF defines Primary Liquidity Pools. After 15m TF we're going down to 5m TF, which contains Minor Pools of Liquidity. We are looking for rel.eq.L / rel.eq.H

How to enter in FVG?

  • +FVG: As soon as the price hits C.E. and starts go Higher, we can enter in trade and put Stop Loss below Inefficiency candle and wait either for price will hit our targets with profit or for Stop Loss.
  • -FVG: As soon as the price hits C.E. and starts go Lower, we can enter in trade and put Stop Loss above Inefficiency candle and wait either for price will hit our targets with profit or for Stop Loss.

How to exit from a trade on FVG?

  • If we're trading Short and there are +FVG inefficiency Lower, then best of the best level to exit is Low of that +FVG
  • If we're trading Long and there are -FVG inefficiency Higher, then best of the best level to exit is High of that -FVG

TODO: Study if NY Lunch is doing that: What NY Lunch macro is doing? It's only retrace where profitable traders have their Stop Loss from morning NY AM session

First FVG, first VI, if they form, then this is what we need, same as first FVG in between 9:30am and 10:00am.

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 04, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ September 04, 2024open in new window

Do not trade after days when the Market moved a lot, because usually next day after that in NYam price is fickle and choppy. Morning session can be with distortion on days after large range days. Better is to trade NYpm session.

ORG: 70% of the time, if we're opened lower than the previous settled price (Discount ORG), then the price with 70% of the time (70% chance) will go to ORG.C.E. after the Market 9:30am

Top Down Trade Review September 01, 2024

Top Down Trade Review September 01, 2024open in new window

If we are Bullish, and we see how price retrace in bottom of inefficiency, which is permissible. However, we want to see immediate reaction on a price for high-probable ideas, otherwise potential trade we want to participate might be not as we wanted, without low resistance liquidity runs, or it may go against us.

Because on Monday is Labor Day holiday in the US, this weekend is going to be bigger than usual, so it will have an impact on the volume. That is why it's better to trade not on Tue, but on Wed. We don't care if we miss a move on Tue.

If we have a position in +20 handles, we should never let it turn in loosing trade, we should always either take partials or trail stop.

Or little signatures that price is going to go higher:

  • When we see if +FVG hasn't been fully closed, we can expect that it's algorithmic and price can go higher
  • Same when we see that price retraces a little bit into +OB and didn't go lower than Mean Threshold


  • Study how often we could buy or sell during 1:50pm-2:10pm macro before price could quickly go towards our targets
  • Study (back test) how ofter market will spool and run for the liquidity (reach stops) during 2:50pm-3:10pm macro
  • Study how market would provide us potential trades (OTE, Turtle Soup, etc) during 3:15pm-3:45pm macro
  • Study MOC (Market On Close) macro: 3:45pm-4:00pm
  • Study SET (Settlement) macro: 3:50pm-4:00pm

Price delivery continuum theory: using the order flow from the higher timeframes (TFs) to lower TFs:

  • Everything should support itself
  • Discount Arrays should send the price higher
  • Discount Arrays should be breaking through Premium Arrays
  • Premium Arrays should not be offering any resistance when we are Bullish

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #18 August 27, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #18 August 27, 2024open in new window

If +Breaker has a long wick lower, we aim to use candle upper portion starts from candle open price:

  |   ------ B
*-+-*        r
|   |        e
|   |        a
|   |        k
|   |        e
*-+-* ------ r

At NY Lunch (11:30–13:30), we can expect deeper retracement to take out profitable traders after NY AM.

For now, use last 5 NWOGs and lsat 5 NDOGs. ICT uses NWOG formed in prev 60 trading days, but students should focus ONLY on the LAST 5 NWOGs and on the LAST 5 NDOGs

Mohawk is when wick has go just above or below, that was perfect if we speak about FVG or FVG.C.E.

If we have VI and FVG we should merge them and use them together

We should always have on our Charts:

  • -1.D.H if it's not Sunday
  • -1.D.L if it's not Sunday
  • -2.D.H if it's not Sunday
  • -2.D.L if it's not Sunday
  • -3.D.H if it's not Sunday
  • -3.D.L if it's not Sunday

The Market will gravitate to those levels of liquidity...

It will help us trust that The Market is not going to reverse on us unless take these levels.

Order flow: We should find an Order Block

If we open in a lower half of prev.Day range, we should look at prev.Day.L, because we can expect price will expand lower towards prev.D.L

Watch this lecture many more times!

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #14 August 22, 2024 Begins 9:00am ET

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #14 August 22, 2024 Begins 9:00am ETopen in new window

One of 81 concepts:

Opening Range (OR: 9:30am-10:00am, first 30 minutes)

The first probable level where price can go is ORG C.E. (Vertical mid. point of the price in between close at 4:59pm and open at 9:30am).

Premium ORG is when we gap higher (yesterday's price at 4:59pm was lower than today's open price at 9:30). Discount ORG is when we gap lower (yesterday's price at 4:59pm was higher than today's open price at 9:30).

In 70% of time for Premium ORG, the price will go lower and hit Discount ORG.C.E before 10:00am. In 70% of time for Discount ORG, the price will go higher and hit Discount ORG.C.E before 10:00am. We MUST study this! TODO: Back-test this...

Weeks like this (Jackson Hole Symposium week) always invites seak and destroy profile in price action.

Go to core content playlist, 2016, Month 4, and listen to the rejection block (RB) topic. RB can be used as a reversal. If we cannot go up to C.E its Bearish sign. If we go lower and then back up a little bit upper to sweep ORG.H, then it can be used as a Turtle Soup entry to go below prev.L If we make a Turtle Soup and go lower (below ORG.H) then it's a Bearish sign to sweep prev.L and go below prev.L

Every first FVG happened in the Opening Range (OR: 9:30am-10:00am, first 30 minutes) is very influential. We want to see at that time what's been doing. And first FVG inefficiency needs to be extended for the end until of the day.

Mentorship: 2016-2017 Started in Sep 2016 To learn PD Arrays matrix in this Mentorship

When we've done three times price taken Sellside or Buyside, there are an opportunity now that price can do short-term or intermediate term retracement, or even complete reversal. So be content with what have been done and do not expect hard that price will continue...

Let's say we enter into wrong trade by +FVG, price stop us and lower... Then it comes back up, how to know if it will be a valid iFVG? In valid iFVG, price will fail to completely close it, so some portion should not be closed.

Do not trade on Monday! Trade from Tue to Thu Trade once a day! ???? =\

Valid -OB: as soon price go lower then first ope

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #12 August 19, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #12 August 19, 2024open in new window

Assume "Jackson Hole Symposium" days as a "Non-Farm Payroll" days.

Around 11:30 during Lunch macro algorith is gonna seek a First Low, which has form after 10:00 butt first to left side of already printed candles from 11:30... Why? Because it's a Low that has been created after SB. TODO: Study that part!

Lunch macro is in between 11:30 and 13:30

Macros for last hour:

  • at 15:15 and took 30 minutes until 15:45 (last hour macro) to spool a price
  • at 15:45 and took 15 minutes to retrace before close daily candle
  • during earnings: at 16:00 and took 15 minutes

So we should hold at least up to 15:45

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #11 August 19, 2024 Begins 9:15am ET

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #11 August 19, 2024 Begins 9:15am ETopen in new window


OR: from 9:30am to 10:00am ORG: Gap between 5:59 and 9:30am

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #6 August 14, 2024 Begins 9:25am ET

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #6 August 14, 2024 Begins 9:25am ETopen in new window

Wick it is like FVG, so if it can't go below then it is probably going to go higher.

If there are 2 FVGs, we're always looking for first (closer), but allowing from our risk that the price can go into second.

We should study all timeframes and find proofs be ourselves. When we are looking on a wicks, we should find how price and candle bodies are respecting wicks, or how price can stop at wick c.e.

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #7

Main takeaway from this lecture: We should not trade on tending days when we have CPI, PPI, FOMC, Non-Farm Payroll, because it is extremely manipulated. Abd because it usually once-sided directional run we should try to have any concern right before CPI/PPI numbers report, because no one have no idea what market is going to do. There is a low probability to set proper target or stop-loss.

We should not trade initial liquidity raid on a morning right before a PPI/CPI/FOMC numbers report, ever! We are just waiting for news and doing nothing. In the morning we're just waiting to see rel.eq.H or rel.eq.L.

TGIF is when the market did retracement from 20% to 30% on a weekly candle. If TGIF didn't form on the previous Friday. TODO: Check it once again today and yesterday streams about that.

We are chasing the price.

TODO: Check 3 drive (Indians) pattern and this complete video.

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #6 August 12, 2024 Begins 9:15am ET

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #6 August 12, 2024 Begins 9:15am ETopen in new window

We do expect a volatility (and this volatility will be until reports come out) if:

  • On Mon and we pretty much no high impact news
  • On Tuesday–Wednesday: CPI and/or PPI

We do not care about numbers itself. There is no way to find which way to trade (long or short)

We do not trade this news. We're just sitting and waiting for more data to come after that market is moving because of manual intervention...

Seek and destroy is when the market is going up to get Buyside Liquidity and then go down to get Sellside Liquidity and then back and furth, back and furth...

Our bias that the market can gravitate lower can be expected when:

  • We had previous NWOG below the price
  • And we have previous NDOG below previous NWOG
  • And the market is jagged
  • And we have inefficiencies which where respected before an opening bell

At 7am-8am we are waiting for rel.eq.H or rel.eq.L to form. We define our initial liquidity after 7am, not at 7am, meaning we wait to rel.eq.H or rel.eq.H to form and then mark it as initial liquidity. And then we will expect that these rel.eq.H or rel.eq.L will be raided.

Same thing if we trade after 8am

If we trade after at 9am there are some additional nuances:

It's important to not spend our mental capital. If we spend every single day / every single hour of the day what the market is doing, then we will be unhappy, because its not healthy. Do something once a day and stop. If you positive, but if not, it's also okay, because now you have an opportunity to study what you have done incorrectly, where you where wrong.

For example, day before PPI/CPI the market will be choppy, go back and furth, back and furth. So if we go into trade, we should not be mad if our SL has been hit. To avoid this negativity, we should reduce risk, take partials or do not trade at all.

If we have events before impactful events, then we will try to take trades early.

ICT Bearish OB doesn't require price trade below a wick before we get into trade based on that -OB.

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #5 August 9, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #5 August 9, 2024open in new window

Asia session: we should start to look at the market at 6pm and expect some kind of volatility from 7pm to 9pm. We should use NWOG theory at that time of day

Price signatures? For example, if we see that price go up into bearish VFG, and it's failed to touch C.E, then it, that is indicative of weakness, because if it cannot touch midpoint of FVG or inefficiency, then it is decidedly weak. So we can be confident that if next we take the bearish OB as an entry if we get a FVG after that one, if we on the 15s chart, it's gonna probably a winner... Because everything is indicating that price is going to move decisively lower... Because it can't even trade up to PD Array. So the PD Array is failing when I'm already looking for the short and price can't even trade in or get back to the midpoint of it — that's wonderful inside that this is gonna be a nice run... So we should look for inefficiency below an old low or rel.eq.L to trade Sellside Liquidity

The Primary factors of determining bias are: NWOGs and NDOGs. Bias itself can be reduced to the session we are trading, or down to Silver-Bullet hour. So we can have models that has been built on next questions, for example:

  • What's the bias for that hour? (model where we're determining bias for hour when we started trade)
  • What's the bias for the next three hours? (that's typically like a session bias)
  • What's the bias for the entire morning before noon lunchtime? (NY.am session bias)
  • What's the entire daily range bias?

We just gonna be:

  1. Looking for a starting point (for Asia we gonna be waiting for 6pm)
  2. And then annotate where we open in defence where we close at 5 o'clock. So that hour gap in indices (or forex currencies) we annotate for a NDOG.
  3. If that gap is over 80 ticks (20 handles for NQ), then we should also annotate its c.e.

Our goal is do what ICT is telling us and never go and watch the same vide once again. Our goal should be once we go throw that Mentorship, we shouldn't ever look at what ICT is posted about the Market. We should become independent and have our own ideas, depends on our own analysis... Because if we want to take it seriously, we don't want my tethering between us and ICT, meaning we shouldn't be dependent on ICT at all.

There is a framework we gonna pull today for Daily charts, because it's silent to the discussion, but we did not refer to anything above 15-minute charts except for a session on Monday (Lecture #1) where ICT showed big gap on a Daily chart, which happened to be a NWOG. We will talk about it also today. And how it fits into the equation of how we're using the clustering of inefficiencies on NDOGs and NWOGs.

The session is started at 18:00. If we closed above and opened lower, then we have a Discount lower opening. If gap is at least 80 ticks (20 handles for NQ), then we can annotate C.E. By having in mind these NWOGs and NDOGs we will have understanding where we think price will go to gravitate to, or jagged around based on for example economic calendar (like today). If we notice that today, there are no high impact or medium news events (and / or it's Friday also). If we've had a large weekly range (TGIF) then we wait for market to create a motion (movement) around that NWOG / NDOG.

Do not trade that gap initially as soon as we just have it annotated. Why? Because there are should be a most important element - time, that has to be referred first. Because markets will not move until it's time for them to move (which is algorithmic). Yes, the price can gyrate, and it may have meaningless aimless movement that we're not interested in. But when time will be introduced as a factor, that's the greatest importance. That means that from 19:00 to 21:00 that is our Asia session and we can use that NDOG now and build it around element of liquidity.

So for Asia, we can look back on previous NY.pm session highs/lows and compare them with Asia session highs/lows to identify rel.eq.Hs/rel.eq.Ls. As they form, we should annotate them and expect that later above highs or below lows will be a liquidity which Market is going to take right after its engineering. And we're doing screenshots of that in our journal. After it happens. We don't try to predict them. We don't try to put them to work right now and see if it works right now, no! We do type reading. Months before we will try even demo trade them. We studying it after that happened, and then we do walk forward when we're watching price without any button pushing, without any kind of hard opinion. But we are doing it with expectation of collecting experience watching it. Also, any kind of previous/current session STHs/STLs also can be annotated like a minor Buyside/Sellside Liquidity pool right after it happened.

But what we really waiting for is we wanna see two things:

  • Price should leave NDOG
  • Price should cross below or above it
  • When Price goes below NDOG, we wanna see that STL has been taken
  • When Price goes above NDOG, we wanna see that STH has been taken
  • And as soon Price will do that (cross below or above NDOG and take STL or STH), then it sets the initial range to build and engineer liquidity.

So, as soon as price (after opening) made a STL (or STH) and then cross above (or below) NDOG to create STH (or STL), we now have an initial range, which is in between first session STL and STH. Initial Buystops will be sitting above that range and Initial Sellstops will be below it. Why "Initial"? Because we open a new trading Day and these two are first what algorithm has been engineered.

There will be a days when price doesn't take any initial Short-Term Buyside/Sellside, sideways around NDOG and do nothing, won't even bump above or below... If it doesn't do anything described, don't worry about it, its typically telling us that Asia is going to be dull. It probably won't do anything where we can make money, and it's probably just go and do something else (watch the movie with spouse, do exersises and then go to bed early and rest for your workday tomorrow)

But we want to be doing things with a purpose of knowing that it's gonna fit these characteristics that are synonymous with the market making a sizable predictable move. And if its really lethargic and lackluster at 6 o'clock, and if it doesn't really do anything going into 7 o'clock (because that is our key time, at 19:00 starts the Asian session), just being done for today and go away.

So after initial pools of liquidity and initial range was formed, we should look to the left. Where are larger pools of liquidity sitting (other Short-Term Highs or Lows, ITH, ITL)?

Once the price traded away from NDOG right after opening, take initial ST liquidity, then cross NDOG to the opposite side, also take ST liquidity, and it crosses back into NDOG... Once it does that, we have now set initial liquidity pool for Buyside and Sellside. Now we're gonna wait. What we are waiting for? Time. We are waiting for Asia session at 7pm.

If ahead of 7 pm, the market moved towards upper, did displacement and/or retested NDOG, we can expect some small retracement lower, maybe touch NDOG and to challenge old highs, ST Buyside liquidity, ITH, rel.eq.H, etc...

This is a guide of "How to trade Asia?" every single day. If we cannot see these signatures, then we don't trade. Algorithm should show us sell-program and/or buy-program right at 7mp or a little bit later, but we only interested until 9pm, because it's our Asian session.

Even if we're not going to trade Asia, it's beneficial to log that in our journal. Because we gonna see these things, which will further prove that the market is algorithmic. And it operates at a specific time of day. Every day...

If we kind of go higher and make higher highs and lows, and if we have BiSi with displacement, big green candle, then the market is tipping his hand and proving us that it's not interesting to go lower. So because it's doing big green BiSi, we would not expect price comes back into it. It should be a Breakaway Gap.

It doesn't mean that we should trade Asia, but it's the same thing when we trade NY.am session and studying price on pre-market at 7am.

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #4 August 8, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #4 August 8, 2024open in new window

Where should market price go? We're sitting and looking where is inefficiency (NDOGs and NWOGs, if we in discount and the market is below, then we expect the price to go higher)

iFVG is when the market created FVG and rallies up into significant level, then we can expect that price will come back and go down throw that FVG which will make it iFVG

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #3 August 7, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #3 August 7, 2024open in new window

At 7am, 8am or 9am we're sitting, relaxing and observing. We don't care what happened in the previous session or trading day yet. We want to see the design and engineering of the liquidity. What does that mean? When price creates these smooth relative equals lows / highs after the session changeover:

  • At midnight NY local time, that's the beginning of a real true day in financial markets, so the algorithm likes to refer back to that time. And then everything since that time will be referred in the purposes of liquidity and inefficiency
  • We have NWOG or NDOG.

Mark NDOG (H, L, and C.E.) It's where the market stopped trade yesterday at 5pm and started trade yesterday at 6pm. The NDOG is influential up to 5 trading days. The older NDOG, the lower influence it will have.

The Mark NWOG (H, L, and C.E.) It's where the market stopped trade on Fri at 5pm and started trade on Sun at 6pm. NWOG is influential up to 5 trading weeks. The older NWOG, the lower influence it will have.

if NDOG or NWOG is lacking one of any sides of delivery (Sellside or Buyside), then later market will react on these levels.

If there is no data in NYam, try to trade NYpm session. In this case, be in front of the charts at 13:30 to wait NYpm SB at 14:00. If nothing is happened, then we wait for 15:00

First, our task is study price action, collect old data and journaling. Next, stage is tape read and assume what price can do. Next, we can start do entries and executions to lost feeling that we can do wrong entry.

Tomorrow (2024-08-08) ICT is 52.

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #2 August 6, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #2 August 6, 2024open in new window

  • In our Journal, we're avoiding all negative aspects or our analysis, any toxicity, any negativity when we were wrong.
  • In our Journal, we're doing screenshots of expected Market behavior.
  • In our Journal, we're learning how to do tape read, study charts and get familiar of reading Price Action.
  • In our Journal, we're learning how understand Market and ICT language.
  • In our Journal, we're learning how to wait for the setup.
  • In our Journal, we're learning how to avoid fear of what price is going to do.
  • In our Journal, we're learning how to understand where the Market is going to go and what time?

15s TF chart is good to be used if we are missed an entry, so we can be late but still buy/sell on retracement.

Depends on time when we can trade:

  • We start mark rel.eq.Hs and rel.eq.Ls only after 7:00 on Pre-Market session in between 7:00am and 7:30am.
  • Or we start mark rel.eq.Hs and rel.eq.Ls only after 8:00 on Pre-Market session in between 8:00am and 8:30am.
  • Or we start mark rel.eq.Hs and rel.eq.Ls only after 9:00 on Pre-Market session in between 9:00am and 9:30am.

FVGs should be marked together with VIs.

High-probability rel.eq.Hs are: high on the left is higher than high on the right.

Breaker idea: waiting for stop run and then back into the range and then retrace to Breaker iFVG: the highest form of precession, if we have a Gap post 7:00 that runs after rel.eq.H has been taken and makes a new high after a long prior run in London. It might be a reversal. If there was a stop run and Breaker and FVG was form, then we can use Model 2022, OTE and Breaker trade, but most important is to trade internal FVG in Breaker if it's available!

The very first FVG prior to stop run (reversal) because it's a change in the state of delivery. If there is no that FVG, then we are trading Breaker.

After reversal, we focus only on SiBis unless a direction won't be changed.

We are mark every single short-term high as well, because there are stops sitting. Every FVG

At 7:00 we start a hunt, and if we see shark and jagged price action, then it probably will go opposite.

We are never annotate our charts in negative manner.

If in the first 30 minutes after 7:00 / 8:00 / 9:00 there are some rel.eq.H was form when market moving in the opposite direction, then we want to see if market will drop. If there are rel.eq.L, then we want to see that market to go higher after these 30 minutes

After 7:00 if we have stop runs H, we take a fib from that H to the low of the first candle at 7:00 to measure STDVs. Same for 8:00 and 9:00

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #1 August 5, 2024

ICT 2024 Mentorship \ Lecture #1 August 5, 2024open in new window

Time is the most important part.

Our Task: studying price at specific time of the day

At 7:00-7:30 EST, At 8:00-8:30 EST, At 9:00-9:30 EST, prior to the NY Open:

  • we are already on front of the charts
  • we are looking at where highs and lows are
  • we are looking at 3 timeframes: 15m => 5m => 1m
    • 15m: where is the market is smooth => liquidity levels and inefficiencies
    • 5m: where is the market is smooth => liquidity levels and inefficiencies
    • 1m: where is the market is smooth => liquidity levels and inefficiencies
  • when we see market structure shift and anticipating price run above short-term low, we do measure, because we have zero-baseline exp., and we do journal:
    • record how long that price run is taken (for example, how many 1m candles)
    • record or screenshot honestly, what it felt for us physically (anxiety, impatient, excited, etc...)
  • we should trade only one micro contract, at least 1 year of studying... we can start thinking of pyramiding, but we can't do pyramiding at least 1 year! This is how we study ICT. This is the only thing we can do to remove greed and fear. We can't blow the account by trading one micro contract and we only take one trade a day

Every single-day algorithm will always do this: run on liquidity (orders sitting inside inefficiencies, or above old highs or below old lows) where the market needs to offer fair value to the marketplace. Once we know that market is likely to do these things (run on liquidity or inside inefficiencies), that's an algorithmic characteristic.

So we want to daily bias, and we want to trade that: buy below the open and hold for the whole the entire day. And it's really hard, because we start thinking about securing our profitable trade, so patience and waiting became the hardest wrestling match... But the reason why we so stress about it, is because we don't know what we are doing. We haven't done that waiting part long enough, where we completely desensitized to get comfortable with and anticipating price moves and get comfortable with to not knowing what it's going to do next (this candle, next candle, five candles from now and so on...) but when we are thinking that its going to draw on to this specific price levels, we have marked on 8:00-8:30

As soon as we pushed the button, we've entered the jungle; yours is mine or mine is yours. Are we a liquidity? If we are a liquidity, we are the lunch. We should go in, and we are looking for lunch, for liquidity, we are looking that market can go into specified levels at 8:00-8:30 EST. It can draw on Liquidity in directional movement. It may not draw on that liquidity, but the market is probably going to move until it hits that level. It doesn't mean that it can't have a replacement lower or it doesn't mean that it can't make a lower low (new low of the day), highly unlikely but not impossible.

Anyway, we should still have an initial idea and follow the rules. So when we are first trying to learn how to read these markets and when we are first trying to determen where the market is likely to go... We have to strip away everything that we're trying to force into reading every single individual candlestick

So when we are looking at the price, as new students we should approach it kind of the game and a discovery, something fun. Not a video game, but its game of determining does it have what it takes to move to those highs? A way of saying to yourself that it's very disarming. Okay, like: I see how this is smooth, - these two highs are relatively-equal... That looks like a really nice obvious flat space in price. If on opposite site we don't see same flatness, then it may have some meaning for us.

The market will go in area of smoothness for the purpose of run on liquidity and pair any orders will sitting above old or relative equal highs or below old or relative equal lows...

What is smooth? For example, relative-equal swing highs... When we are looking for a relative-equal highs, how do we know that it's a high probability likely to swept or traded throw highs? When we have two swing highs and one to the left is slightly higher than one to the right, then it's a very-very high-probability that we are going to take it above. This is called priming. Priming is when with manipulation we create low resistance liquidity, but retail thinks that this is a resistance. So later market and smart money can rip them all. We want to be on smart money side at that time. When smart money do manipulation they are creating a sympathetic side (all short sellers retail crowd can relax at this moment and put their buy stops above these relative-equal highs)

When is relative-equal low going to be swept? When after lower relative-equal high prior to draw on liquidity, a higher low was created.

Now let's talk about a time. Because all these things are going to repeat every single day at specific periods of time... Every day between 8:00 and 8:30, we sitting in fron of charts and trying to define where the smooth locations in price action on

  • 15m
  • 5m
  • 1m

Real important note: It does not mean that this run on liquidity is having to happen during that exact session! And that is the underlying risk we're managing every time we take into trade.

Pre-market range: 7:00-7:30 EST Opening range is 7:30-8:00 EST

Pre-market range: 8:00-8:30 EST Opening range is 8:30-9 :00 EST

Pre-market range: 9:00-9:30 EST Opening range is 9:30-10:00 EST

Prior to pre-market ranges we are looking for relative-equal highs or relative-equal lows. Which side has it? Because that's our bias, it's going to draw on that...

How do we know if we have both sides relative-equal lows and highs? We wait for draw on first and get disrupted... Because once that happens then we work to the other. That's our bias! So we have to defer and wait

Keynotes & Observations - May 01, 2024

Keynotes & Observations - May 01, 2024

In FOMC day is 2 stage event: 1) Move start on 14:00 and complete at 14:30 2) At 14:35 I can do either reversal or continue

Non-Farm Payroll is also nopt possible for trading - algorithm is turn off and manual intervention will be turned on

How to detect time when LRL in place? If there are no news drivers.

Session bias can be built for 4h and 1h charts: were we are? where are we going from? where are we going to (block, inefficiency, C.E, draw on liquidity etc...)?

Why we don't want Opening Range Gap fill completely if we are Bearish? Because if it cannot fill that Gap it means that it Very Bearish.

We can expect as retail traders want to go short after big down day, so smart money wants to trap them. Takeaway from this is: when retail public crowd want to sell, smart money want to move markets higher to get everybody else Byu stops.

Reading Price Without A Bias - April 30, 2024

Reading Price Without A Bias - April 30, 2024open in new window

Do not trade on non-farm payroll week from after lunch Wed till Fri. If we want we can trade 15-30 minutes after non-farm payroll numbers report.

Reclaimed FVG / Reclaimed OB is when initial expectations is used at later time. IFGV / Mitigation block is when its reverse the role.

Bounce price range is when you have 2 inefficiencies (BiSi and SiBi) in opposing directions in a same general area in terms of price. Best is with 1 candle in a middle because it would be sudden and more impactful. Or it could be pattern called island reversal. We can trade is as iFVG

How To Read Price With Or Without A Bias - April 29, 2024

How To Read Price With Or Without A Bias - April 29, 2024open in new window

In this lecture, ICT wanted to talk about an introduction over discussion of type reading. Goal is to teach how to determine a Bias.

First think to keep in mind is a Seasonal Tendency.

We should understand in general on a high level where the Market is moving.

Usually the Market is moving from a Spring H to Fall L.

In Spring (Apr to May) there is transition, which is sending the Market lower and going dow into the late Summer into Sep or Oct and as late as the first week of Nov. Usually turning point will be in between last week of Aug and the second week of Oct, and it's usually the low of the year...

Or, what happens if we are in very strong bull market conditions? Like we've been for several years now... Spring H can be quick and sudden initially, and then it can go and consolidate a little bit and then slowly drift down... Or (because now its presidential election year in the US), those Spring Highs down the Fall Lows don't tend to be as crisp or pristine in price. It's a little bit muddy. And sometimes it can be all rejected, and there is just a short-term drop in the Spring months and then when we get to mid-May or first week of June, boom: we take of, and we start going higher! And we don't even try to do anything going lower extremes summer months and/or making a Low in the fall... There will be likely Low that forms in the fall, but it's just very strong tendency for the Market to create straightforward Long positions opportunities to see the Market rally, and maybe short-lived. But trading in Sep, Oct, and the first two weeks of Nov being a Long holder, looking for Longs, that is like some easiest stuff that you ever do as a trader.

We want to see all tendency variants directions in sync go Higher for best Longs and Lower bor best Shorts in specific part of the year.

After Seasonal Tendency, we should look at the economic calendar. We want to easily see the big triggers for the Market for whole week. These height and medium impact news drivers, they are excitements and these excitements we call manipulations. Newbie traders see these events and hear like someone is telling, that there will be a lot of movements, so they think that they can make a lot of money...

We will look at these events, and we will expect some measure of manipulation. ICT like to see what price has done right before these scheduled time events, where economic calendar will produce the data and present it to the public.

Many times, economic reports will be Judas Swings (Fake run, big and sudden and explosive), it runs directly into pool of liquidity:

  • Above a High or rel.eq.Hs for Buyside, or it reaches up into FVG SiBi if we are Bearish
  • Below a Low or rel.eq.Ls for Sellside, or its dropping down into FVG BiSi if we are Bullish
  • If there are no inefficiencies (FVGs, VIs, etc...) then it's going to run for a high or a group of highs before drop lower if we are Bearish (same, but opposite if we are Bullish...)

ICT said that it's not possible to learn Price Action if we are not looking on a real Price Action, but when it's already happened. We should see how candles be forming.

ICT will tell us what he is doing:

  • every single day
  • on weekends
  • before 8:30am
  • between 8:30a and 9:30am when the equity Market opens

Wicks are Gaps. Our focus on C.E. or upper quadrants if Bullish (Lower quadrants when Bearish).

When we have high impact news, we are wait for damage and manipulation. Only then, after all, retail traders will be stopped out from their seats, we are looking for turtle sups or other setups.

If there is no high impact news, then we can relay on macros (every single trading hour 20 minutes macro): 9:50am-10:10am, 10:50am-11:10am, 1:50pm-2:10pm, 2:50pm-3:10pm and 3:15-3:45 last hour macro

If bullish and want to use +OB, then there should be only few down closed candles that we should use only as opportunity to buy. If there are a lot of down closed candles, then we either on consolidation or near to high, but definitely not in up move.

Same thing in relation to FVG, we don't want to see every FVG was fully rebalanced, we do want to see price left some inefficiency stay opened, not fully closed, otherwise we maybe on end of the run

To capture nice day trades we need to look at 15m charts or 1h charts. To capture nice swing trades we need to look at 1h charts or 4h charts. To capture nice position trades we need to look at 1D charts or 1W charts.

Change in a state of delivery it's always opening price of OB. Delivery it's directional price run, so it's going to be a change in the direction of price.

Lecture On ICT Order Blocks & Tape Reading April 18, 2024

Lecture On ICT Order Blocks & Tape Reading April 18, 2024open in new window

Bias must be found based on weekly and daily charts. Don't build bias based on anything what less than 1 hour.

SM doing stop runs only to kick out everyone who can be profitable and to catch traders who created limit orders for breakouts.

Seasonal tendency take price down into the spring decline.

In days when we have high impacted news we should use 5 minutes timeframe to reduce choppiness and spottiness of price fluctuation. In all other "normal" trading days we can use 1 minute and sub-minute timeframes. On high impact news drivers we should wait and use 5 minutes charts at least 15-20-30 minutes and only then we can start dropping down below 5 minutes charts for looking for inefficiencies because we won't probably pick a right one...

When I'm bullish, my stop loss should have 3 PD arrays above it or 3 PD arrays below it when I'm bearish.

Dealer range is high that was engaged buyside and low that was engaged sellside. And it must be on a timeframe we are looking for analysis (5 minutes on high impact driver news during 15-30 minutes after release). Best moves starts from
running stops, so if we are bearish - we want to see that market take buy stops first.

Algorithm is designed to range wide to seek liquidity.

Important to keep in mind quadrants and remember that best entries when we are:

  • bullish: in between 50%-100% of +OB or +FVG
  • bearish: in between 0%-50% of -OB or -FVG